The Magic of Horsetail
Horsetail, scientifically known as Equisetum arvense, is a very special plant. Its name comes from the shape of its green stems, which resemble a horse's tail. What’s most surprising is that this plant has existed for millions of years, even when dinosaurs walked the Earth! Just imagine all it has witnessed throughout history.
A Journey Through Time
Horsetail is part of a group of plants that date back to a distant time known as the Paleozoic, which occurred between 359 and 299 million years ago. During that time, enormous forests were filled with plants similar to horsetail, but much larger, almost like the trees we know today. Over time, these plants have changed and adapted to various climatic and geological shifts, managing to survive to this day. They are a living relic of the ancient history of our planet.
Properties of Horsetail
Although the horsetail we see today is smaller than its ancestors, it still shares some characteristics that help us understand what plants were like millions of years ago. For centuries, people have used horsetail in home remedies to treat various health issues. Today, it remains popular in natural medicine, demonstrating that it is effective and that it has not only survived but can also help us feel better.
Good for Your Urinary System
Horsetail is famous for its diuretic properties, which means it helps our body produce more urine. This is important because by urinating more, our body can eliminate unnecessary fluids and toxins, helping us feel lighter. Additionally, it can be a great support if we are trying to lose weight by aiding in the cleansing of our bodies.
Good for Your Bones
This plant is also beneficial for our bones. It helps absorb and maintain calcium, an essential mineral for strong and healthy bones. It acts like a superfood that strengthens our bones.
Good for Your Skin and Hair
If you want to have healthy hair and nails, horsetail is your ally. This natural ingredient is excellent for strengthening and adding shine, acting as a beauty treatment straight from nature.
Stops Bleeding
Although this use is less known, horsetail can be helpful in cases of bleeding, such as nasal, menstrual, or even hemorrhoids, functioning as a little natural first-aid kit.
Horsetail at Matchaflix
At Matchaflix, we are great admirers of this plant, so we have included it in our Drena-Té infusion. This blend not only contains horsetail but also other beneficial ingredients like dandelion and birch, creating a perfect infusion to cleanse and drain your body.
Discover it in our online store and enjoy all its benefits!