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Premium Matcha Blueberry Tea

Premium Matcha Blueberry Tea

Regular price £35.95 GBP
Regular price Sale price £35.95 GBP
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What more can we ask of Matcha Tea? Antioxidant properties, energy without nerves, concentration... And if we add a mild blueberry flavor and the powder presentation, all the better.



Green energy for 24 hours, without nerves or anxiety, concentration and focus for study or work, burns fat, helps your digestion and reduces blood sugar levels


100% Matcha tea powder mixed with 100% blueberry powder

What includes

-Premium Blueberry Matcha Tea 100 grams
-Bamboo spoon 1g
-Motivational magnet
-Explanatory brochure
-A unique motivational phrase

-An eBook that will change your life

Shipping costs

FREE | We match shipping costs


If the tea does not seem to you of quality, I will refund your money

Cómo se prepara

Para una taza grande, mezcla una o dos medidas de matcha, en unos 100ml de
agua a 80ºC. Bate con el chasen y termina con agua, leche o zumo al gusto.


La mejor manera de que esté en condiciones óptimas es tenerlo guardado en un sitio fresco, sin humedad, ni fuentes de calor, ni luz directa. Puede ser una despensa fresquita y, sobre todo, hay que cerrarlo muy bien, ya que es un producto muy sensible.
Puedes dejarlo dentro del botecito, cortando el sobre a ras; así lo proteges de la humedad. También puedes vaciarlo directamente en el envase, pero acuérdate de dejarlo en un lugar fresco y seco.

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  • 100% vegano
  • Sin gluten
  • Sin azúcar
  • 100% Natural
  • Heat the water to 80ºC
    or 176ºF and make sure
    that does not boil

  • Pour 1 tsp = 1g of Matcha Tea in the chawan or in a conventional cup

  • Pour 100ml of the hot water over the Matcha Tea and mix with the chasen or whisk until frothy

  • For a Matcha Latte Tea :
    Add your favorite cold (even iced) or hot frothy milk and enjoy!

  • 1st week

    You will feel energy and more strength in the morning without being accompanied by nerves or anxiety

  • 1st month

    You will begin to notice the focus and concentration you have gained

  • 3rd month

    You will notice the antioxidant effects inside and outside and you will even have lost body fat

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