Aprende a hacer este rico pudin de Té Matcha

Learn how to make this delicious Matcha Tea pudding

Do you want to drink Matcha Tea in a different way? We encourage you to prepare this pudding that includes chia and peach seeds.

First of all, you need these ingredients in their corresponding amounts:

  • Eight tablespoons of chia seeds.
  • 500 milliliters of almond milk.
  • Two tablespoons of Matcha Tea.
  • A tablespoon of liquid honey or date syrup.
  • Two pitted and diced ripe peaches.
  • Four tablespoons of Greek yogurt.
  • 150 grams of fresh blueberries.
  • Four tablespoons of chopped nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts or pistachios.

With everything ready, do the following:

  1. Put the chia seeds and almond milk in a bowl and beat them together.
  2. In another bowl, stir the Matcha Tea powder and honey until evenly blended.
  3. Then add a mixture of the chia seeds with the peach cubes.
  4. Distribute all this mixture in four jars and cover them with a lid.
  5. Chill them in the fridge overnight or until all the liquid has been absorbed and the mixture has acquired a gelatinous texture.
  6. The next day, add a tablespoon of yogurt and put the blueberries and chopped nuts on top.
  7. Delight yourself with this delicacy.

Keep up to date with all the Matcha Tea recipes that we propose!

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